What are headaches?
A headache is a large umbrella term for pain in the head that can be caused by various reasons. There are many different types of headaches that all present differently. The most common types of headaches are:
Cervicogenic headaches: This occurs because of an issue with the cervical vertebrae (the bones of your neck) or the neck musculature, causing it to compress and irritate nearby nerves.
Tension type headaches: These are the most common types of headaches and can be associated with stress and/or blood pressure.
Migraines: This is a headache that can cause throbbing pain in one side of the head and can lead to vomiting, dizziness or light/sound sensitivity.
Cluster type headaches: Although the least common, this type of headaches occurs in series of 15min to 3 hrs. They can be very painful, are found on one side of the head, and can wake you up at night.
Sinus type headaches: There are air filled space found in our skull that can get congested. When they do, they lead to tension and pressure locally.
What are the main causes of headaches?
Tightness in the neck or head musculature causing them to compress the nerves nearby
Clenching or grinding your teeth
Lack of sleep
Blood pressure issues
High stress or anxiety
Eye strain due to excessive screen time
Poor posture
Trauma to the head
What are the symptoms of a headache?
Throbbing pain or tension around the head
Mild to moderate pain in the temples
Tightness in the neck or shoulders
Sensitivity to light or sound
How can I relieve my headache pain?
The duration of pain can vary from person to person. We will try our best to speed up your recovery process and get you back to doing the activities you love. At the Active Relief Centre, we place an emphasis on assessment and finding out why you are experiencing headaches. This allows us to be more specific with your treatment and provide you with rehabilitation exercises specific to your body. Contact one of our clinics today and make us a part of your road to recovery.